Tax statute of limitations according to the provisions of new General Tax Act (Official Gazette No. 115/16)
14/03/2017Interest rate on related-party loans
22/03/2018Changes and amendments of The cash transaction fiscalization act (Official gazette no. 115/16) came into force on 1 July, 2017 prescribe an obligation for all taxpayers subjects for cash transaction fiscalization through electronic devices to deliver information about their business premises in period from 1 July to 31 July, 2017.
Taxpayers shall approach to existing data through electronic service e-Porezna, then check the data and change it if necessary. Taxpayers also need to fill in data about type of business activity for each premise (according to National Classification of Activities), premise status (open/closed), data about software producer and software maintenance company. After all data is filled in correctly it needs to be verified with a valid digital certificate.
Taxpayers that do not use e-Porezna service are obliged to deliver required data in person to the respective Tax office on a prescribed form “Prijava podataka u sustav fiskalizacije” for each business premise separately.