Our flexible and highly motivated team is ready to offer you a solution on any issue arising from your business, so feel free to contact us.

Forum revizija d.o.o. is registered for audit services, finance and accounting services, financial analysis and control, tax and business advisory services, court expert witness services and company valuation services.
The company has licence for conducting audit services and related services issued by Croatian Chamber of Auditors.
Managing director and the owner of the company is Darka Cecić, CPA, CIA and educator on seminars and trainings with tax and financial reporting themes with 27 years of extensive experience in accounting and audit field.

Continuously upgraded knowledge through numerous education inland and abroad. Since 2017 has been appointed as a licenced expert witness in accounting and finance field.

Sharpened skills on audit engagements in SME and large companies from various industries and international groups.

Business policy of the company is based on the provision of timely and high quality services as well as achieving the satisfaction of our employees and customers.

All services are provided in accordance with the principles and rules of the trade, in accordance with applicable law, accounting and auditing standards in the Republic of Croatia, using the latest knowledge and technologies.

In order to achieve that, we continuously upgrade our skills, monitor changes in tax laws and implement latest IT solutions.

"We're just enthusiastic about what we do."

Steve Jobs

Forum Revizija d.o.o.



Croatian Chamber of Auditors, Zagreb

Croatian Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals, Section of Internal Auditors, Zagreb

Croatian Accountant - Association of Accountants, Tax Consultants and Financial Experts, Zagreb

Croatian association of court expert witnesses and valuers, Zagreb
Commercial court in Split, MBS: 060352691. Shareholders capital 50.000,00 Kn paid in full, Managing director: Darka Cecić, Chartered Public Accountant.
Privredna banka Zagreb d.d. Zagreb IBAN: HR49 2340 0091 1108 1550 8