We carry out audit services in accordance with the Audit Act, International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and International Standards on Quality Control (ISQC 1).


Audits of financial statements
Audits of consolidated financial statements
Statutory audits by the Companies Act (company establishment, increase or decrease of shareholders’ equity, mergers and acquisitions or demergers)
Audit of the EU-funded Programmes and Projects
Review of annual and interim financial statements (companies, non-profit organisations)
Assurance engagements and related services (agreed-upon procedures and performance audits)

Forum revizija d.o.o.

Forum revizija d.o.o. provides various audit services including statutory audit of financial statements, specially tailored audits on request, EU project expenditure verification, internal audit services, review engagements and other assurance engagements.

Our clients receive support that begins before the end of business year and therefore timely receive information about possible issues that need to be resolved before issuing financial reports.

If needed, the auditor's report can be issued in English language.
"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great."

John D. Rockefeller

The advantage of our work is an approach which leads to the long-term partnership.